01 Października 2023

Szkolenie - kurs Elite UCI. Ryga 2024.

Z powodu braku wystarczającej ilości chętnych termin kurs na sędziów Elite UCI, został przesunięty na styczeń 2024. Jednocześnie organizatorzy przedstawili garść informacji, w tym koszty jakie ponoszą uczestnicy takiego kursu.


As informed, the ENC training in Riga in October has been cancelled and moved to January 2024. 

This time, we have an application period. All applications must be registered at the latest 29 of October, with confirmation before the end of November 2023. 


  • The UCI Elite National Commissaire courses will take place in Riga, Latvia, from the 18 to the 22 January 2024. We start in the morning of 18, so all students should plan to be in Riga from the 17 in the evening. 
  • 4 classes in total: Road, Track Mountain Bike and BMX Racing
  • Language: English
  • National Federations are invited to register their candidates for any of the given classes by completing the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM before 29 October 2023.
  • The places are limited to up to 20 students per class
  • We will need at least 6 students in a discipline to run a class. 
  • We will need at least 30 students without regard to discipline to run the course.
  • The same candidate can be registered only for one of the given disciplines.
  • The final confirmation of all applications will be made before the end of November 2023. All additional information related to the course program, expenses and preparation content will be provided accordingly. 



  • All federations cover the cost related to their students.
  • The course fee is to cover the cost of the training. 
  • With 30 participants, the estimated cost per student is estimated to €275. More students will reduce the price. 
  • We plan to stay at the Avalon Hotel in the centre of Riga. The training venue is in the hotel. We are getting a quote from the hotel, but as of October 2023, the room rates are as follows: 
    • Single room: €64 per night
    • Double room: €68 per night

Questions regarding the training can be directed to Bjørn Birkeland, bjorn@nordiccommissaires.info.